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CH2018 – Climate Scenarios for Switzerland

The CH2018 Climate Change Scenarios show where and how climate change affects Switzerland and what global climate change mitigation efforts can do about it. The expected consequences of unchecked climate change for Switzerland include more hot days, dry summers, heavy precipitation and winters with little snow. However, global efforts to mitigate climate change could curb future climate change.

CH2018 – Climate Scenarios for Switzerland
Image: NCCS

The Climate Scenarios CH2018 describe how our cli- mate could change up to the middle of this century and beyond. “Dry summers”, “Heavy precipitation”, “More hot days”, and “Snow-Scarce Winters” are some of the expected consequences of unchecked climate change for Switzerland. The potential im- pact of global efforts to mitigate climate change – and the extent to which climate change would still affect Switzerland – is shown by the scenario “When climate change mitigation takes hold”. The Climate Scenarios combine simulations that use the latest climate models with observations of the trends thus far, providing the most accurate picture to date of our country’s future climate.

Source: NCCS (Pub.) 2018: CH2018 – Climate Scenarios for Switzerland. National Centre for Climate Services, Zurich. 24 pp. ISBN 978-3-9525031-3-3

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Image: MeteoSchweiz


  • Climate models
  • Scenario

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